Welcome to July’s edition of the Roundup!

It was great to meet up with some of you last month, including the awesome Sydney crew at the lunch organised by Noushin – thank you, Noushin!  

We’re starting this month off strong with a fantastic addition to the Talentplicity team – Leigh Green, our new Customer Success Manager. He’s going to be instrumental in growing our business, and he may need your expertise for industry exposure. I have no doubt you will all be there to support him where needed.  

In this month’s newsletter, we also have the community survey! It’s time to give back to the community and make a positive impact. Your feedback is essential; let us know which organisations are close to your hearts, so we can make a difference together.  

The survey also includes a question about the marine initiative – we need a name for our new critter discovery. Let’s put on our creative hats and suggest some awesome names! The best name idea will score a fantastic $50 voucher.  

Have an awesome August and happy reading!  Nic 

Lets get to know Peter Dunn

What’s your job title and what do you do at Vocus/Talentplicity? 

I’m the Senior Technical/Security Business Analyst at Vocus/Talentplicity. My role involves handling technical and security aspects of the business to ensure we stay on top of our game. 

Outside of work, I’m just your average middle-aged dad, handling everyday tasks like a pro – taking out the bins like a champ and attempting (unsuccessfully) to catch balls! On Sundays, I make it a point to go to church and spend quality time with my amazing wife, lovely daughter, and our adorable Mini Schnauzer named Sooty. And guess what? I’ve managed to avoid mowing the lawn weekly, a proud achievement!

How long have you been with Vocus/Talentplicity? 

I’ve been part of this fantastic team for 2 ½ years now, and it’s been an exciting journey so far! 

What do you love most about your job? 

I absolutely love the fact that every day brings something new and different. There’s never a dull moment, and that keeps me motivated and engaged! 

Any interesting hobbies or experiences you’d like to share? 

Well, cooking is a passion of mine, and it’s the only time I get to put my Chemistry degree (Ba Applied Science, applied Chem..) to good use! Food and science make a great combination. Also, my career has taken some interesting turns – from managing Cash Converters to being an IT Manager, Technical PM, and even a bike mechanic at some point! 

Oh, yes! I also am facinitated with tanks, yep those powerful war machines. I’ve been on the lookout for one, but I still haven’t located one in my price range! 

Is there a fun fact about you that not many people know? 

Haha, here’s one – the only time you’ll find me with a super serious expression is on my driver’s license photo. I guess license photos are destined to be somber! 

What is a hobby or pastime that you enjoy? 

I enjoy taking my Ducati  (ST4s) out when I can when I can, and stare at my Remote control Gliders that need to be built and repaired (Those with RC Planes will understand…) 

Here is the other “job” I do but this one is a lot more fun! 

What is your favourite recipe/dish?

The heartstopper..

Part 1 

Make a Cubacabana coffee, 

  • 1 tablespoon instant coffee 
  • 1 tablespoon of Brown sugar 

Then stare at coffee pondering life 

Now for part 2 of the heartstopper meal 

Part 2 

Make Bacon on Turkish Bread 

  • Select Bacon, Thicker the better, but not Ham thick! 
  • Heat frypan 
  • Add some light olive oil to frypan. 
  • Add bacon to Iron frypan. 
  • Place more amount of Bacon into frypan 
  • Question this and add excessive amount of bacon 
  • Cook till just going brown 
  • Lightly Toast a split Turkish bread center up 
  • Slather Turkish with butter, return to toast, and melt butter into bread. 
  • Dab bread face down in Frypan then put bacon on the Bread 
  • Put BBQ sauce on bacon 
  • Put top on bread. GLARE AT ANYONE WHO ASKS WHY NO EGG. 

(Seriously, why would you taint Bacon with an egg….) 

What is your favourite holiday destination? 

I think New Zealand wins it for me, but lately the family has discovered dog friendly Cabins, so we are currently exploring the plethora of new destinations! 


Win $50 just by having your say!

Make a difference with Talentplicity’s Charity Initiatives! Get creative and share your ideas in our quick survey and go in the running to win a $50 voucher. 

Nic is sponsoring a marine expedition, who are on a mission to find new marine species – bugs, fish, critters, you name it! Apparently, they discover hundreds of these fascinating creatures every year!  

Best part of the sponsorship is that we get to choose the name of the critter they find on the expedition.   

Nic mentioned the initiative in the last TPC meeting (but I think there were a few people missing in the meeting) The person who comes up with the most creative and captivating name will get a $50 voucher.   

In addition to the marine initiative, we would love to get your thoughts on which charities you would like to see us supporting. 

Here is the link https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/KDBQ2VY
Good Luck and let’s get creative.

Scholar Dineli’s Journey

Remember Scholar Dineli, whom many of you met at the Picnic for Pinnacle Foundation earlier this year? Well, she has been up to some fantastic things! Watch the short video to find out more. 

Our scholarship has played a crucial role in supporting her journey, and we are thrilled to share the impact it has had on her life. Check out the remarkable achievements she’s accomplished with our scholarship’s assistance: Dineli 

We couldn’t be prouder of her accomplishments and the difference our scholarship has made!  

Birthday Celebrations!

Happy Birthday to our August Staff! 

If you see Wayne (8th August), on his special day make sure to stop and wish him a happy birthday! 

Thanks for joining us for lunch!

It’s always great to have this time to catch up with everyone and hear about how things have been going over the last few months. Your stories and updates are what make these gatherings so enjoyable and meaningful. Thank you again and looking forward to the next one. Also thank you again Noushin for taking the time to organise it – we all appreciate it! 

Recipe of the Month

Try our favorite winter recipe: sticky date pudding! Make it at home and share a photo with us! 

Ingredients Instructions
  • 250g pitted dates, chopped 
  • 1 tsp Coles Bicarbonate Soda 
  • 1 1/2 cups boiling water 
  • 125g Lurpak unsalted butter, softened 
  • 1 cup brown sugar 
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract 
  • 2 eggs 
  • 1 3/4 cups self-raising flour, sifted 

Caramel sauce 

  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 300ml thickened cream 
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract 
  • 60g butter 
  1. Step 1 
    Preheat oven to 180°C. Grease and line the base of a 7cm deep, 22cm (base) cake pan. 
  2. Step 2 
    Place dates and bicarbonate of soda into a bowl. Pour over boiling water. Allow to stand for 20 minutes. 
  3. Step 3 
    Using an electric mixer, beat buttersugar and vanilla until pale and creamy. Add eggs, 1 at a time, beating well after each addition. Using a large metal spoon, fold through date mixture and flour until well combined. 
  4. Step 4 
    Spoon mixture into prepared cake pan. Bake for 35 to 40 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Turn onto a plate. 
  5. Step 5 
    Make sauce: Combine all sauce ingredients in a saucepan over medium heat. Cook, stirring often, until sauce comes to the boil. Reduce heat to medium-low. Simmer for 2 minutes. 
  6. Step 6 
    Pierce pudding all over with a skewer. Pour 1/2 cup of warm sauce over warm pudding. Stand for 10 minutes. Cut into wedges. Serve with remaining sauce.