Welcome to November’s edition of the roundup newsletter
With 53 days left before Christmas and XX days left before new year’s, we are well and truly nearing the end of the year!
I hope you enjoy this month’s newsletter; it has some valuable information including dates for our Christmas Party and relevant cyber security links that you should take a moment to read, considering the recent breaches.
Wishing a great month ahead. Happy Reading! Nic.
Tell us a little about yourself .
I have been working with the cybersecurity team at Vocus for just over 9 months as a Project Coordinator.
I came to Australia to study 12 years ago from Iran and have made Australia my home. I enjoy yoga and reading a wide variety of books including psychology and philosophy.
What do you enjoy most about your job?
I enjoy working in a supportive working environment and love that there is an opportunity to learn, contribute and excel within the portfolio.
What is your favourite holiday destination?
My dream holiday destination is Costa Rica! Who would say no to the coastlines of the Caribbean with spider monkeys? 🙂
What is your favourite recipe/dish?
Having come from a Middle Eastern background there are many exotic dishes to enjoy. Tahchin is an Iranian rice dish primarily consisting of rice, yogurt, saffron, eggs and tangy barberries. Some versions of the dish are more elaborate, folding in chicken fillets, vegetables, fish, or red meat
Main ingredients: Rice, chicken fillet, yogurt, saffron, egg
Considering the recent data breaches in several companies including Optus, Medicare and Woolworth. We have provided you with some interesting articles, that are worth 2 minutes of your time. Happy Reading and if there are any other articles that you think are worth sharing with your fellow colleagues, please email them to marina@talentplicity.com.au
Melbourne and Sydney it’s time to Jingle and Mingle
Christmas Lunch in both Sydney and Melbourne has been locked in. Make sure to save the date in your calendar as we would love to see everyone there!
Please ensure to save the following dates:
Melbourne – Wednesday, 7 December at 12 pm at Sezar
Sydney – Wednesday 14 December at 12.30 pm at Mercado
We will be sending through a Calendar invite with further information in the coming week.
As proud sponsors of the Pinnacle Foundation, we are super excited to announce that our scholar has been chosen!
The sponsorship will provide a member of the LGBTQI+ community a 3-year educational scholarship, mentoring, and opportunity to help reclaim their path and overcome challenges arising from their identity.
We can advise you that the scholar is a female with a remarkably diverse and interesting background and story to share. More information about the candidate will be provided in February, when a formal announcement will be made by the Pinnacle Foundation.