Top 5 Resume Tips

The process of creating or updating your resume can be daunting, especially since your resume is usually the first opportunity you have to present yourself to a potential employer.

Here are a few tips we’ve put together to help you work towards standing out from the pack.

1., Keep your resume short

It’s not necessary to include every detail from your entire working career. Include the most recent and relevant information that relates and aligns to the job you are applying for.

2., Highlight relevant skills

A recruiter needs to sift through lots of resumes when searching for the right candidate. Make it easy for them by highlighting all the relevant experience that has been outlined in the job description.

3., Demonstrate results with numbers and metrics

Highlighting your achievements using metrics gives the recruiter an indication of what you can do and the impact you made in your previous place of employment.

4., Check for errors

There is nothing worse than having spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors in your resume. Make sure to check and double check your resume. Also check your formatting and save your resume as a pdf to decrease the possibility of errors in the formatting as well.

5., Use real estate wisely

Cut the clutter in both the appearance and content and keep it relevant. It’s great that you have a career objective, and maybe you can share it with the perspective employer at your interview, but it is not necessary to add it to your resume. Remove any personal information that is not relevant, including your address and date of birth.